Saturday, August 15, 2009

My sweet precious

Now days i already start driving my own car.Small and a lil bit old but as long as i can use it, its ok for me...but can drive around kl only..the engine a lil bit old sey...(yup me already start driving..still not believing it)hehehe....lately i need always to check the radiator water and engine oil so that i won't have any problem driving it.later on if got extra money i will but new engine for u k boy...yesterday also nearly going to meet an accident but not me driving it.. i say to my twin = i trust u, u dont crashed my car k...even the car is not so expensive as her car but yet after using it for so long, i so damn in luv with dat car... always make sure it was in good shape.later on after modification i will show the pic of it k....yesterday also we nearly lost at jln ampang...adieh luckily there were enough damn worried lor...even my twinz a lil blur about where were we heading but dat time im da one driving so i say to need to worried...u just sit beside me, let me drive k... also my precious phone has been broke...adieh...need to send to dad give me his phone and send my phone to shop but then later on he said dat..."i give my phone to u...just use it k....and ur phone if its already ok, just keep it for ur spare k...wah....oklah enough already...need to finish up my fyp or im not gonna finish my study this semester....bye...till then....

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